Tuesday, August 08, 2017

Many years have passed since inception of a blog/newsletter of me and paralyzed life.  11!
To catch you up, I broke my neck in a diving accident resulting in paralysis and tried to keep people updated via Schlueterpost on my recovery.

At some point, a few years in, I had dead ended myself in every aspect of life ending in -ly and took down all the writing.  I felt like I was peddling smoke and wore out by the character (I imagined) I needed to portray to make people happy and inspired. 

Inside I was really sad and hopeless.  It really, really sucks losing a fully functioning, God given body.  An entire blog of Sadness could be written from the laments of daily living to this very day.  As I write and look out the window, there is a stab of sadness that I can't go for a sunset walk down at the beach. 

But the way I process it is different.  Off the bat, I'm thankful that I ever had the chance to walk the beach.  I know what the rocks sound like and if I really, really had a passion for it, could fashion a way to do it on wheels.  I can't go for a sunset walk, but I can be outside and push down the sidewalk, loosen my shoulders and take in the evening air.  Sometimes I can even just sit and sense that I'm alive.  This is all very hard to admit on a bad day!

So without any readers, I commence on a short journey to write a few posts.  If I sound like a jackass, congrats good intuition.  Though it pains me, I'm going to go ahead and do a spotlight review going back to the beginning of this accident.

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